Back In My Day...

One of the fun things I've done with my kids over the last couple years has been to watch some of the classic movies from when I was young. Of course, we started with Star Wars, and my kids are junkies now. Then we moved on to Indiana Jones (but had to skip the 2nd one since it's a little intense). We also picked up ET along the way, and somehow it keeps coming to visit us from the library. Finally, we've just started into the Back to the Future trilogy. The thing that really gets me is how much swearing there is in that (PG) show! Back when I watched it as a kid, it surely didn't have that much swearing. I'm certain it's been redone to add more expletives than it originally had. That has to be the answer. Not like I want to admit that we just got immune to hearing all that. Anyway, the kids love it, and we find that we have to be a little more cautious about screening what (in our minds' eye) we originally thought would be great for them. Funny how that works.

Incidentally, Misha picked up on the storyline very quickly for BTTF part I. She says to me, "Are they going to use the broken clock tower?" Not bad for a 6yr old.

Finally, a funny thing happened with Kristen this morning. Of course, she has more hair than most adults. She was in our bed goofing around as 2yr kids do. She leaned over and started to fall out of the bed on my side. I reached over instinctively to grab her, and all I caught was her ponytail. Good thing I saved her hair from hitting the floor. She immediately poked her head up and yelled "Let Go!" at me, then got up, stomped out of the room, and slammed the door (only to return in 30 seconds). Guess catching a toddler by their hair is a good way to put them off.


Lori said…
Chris, you must remember that our parents were too poor to actually buy movies. All movies we "owned" were taped off of TV, and sometimes pay per view. So what you're watching now is the original movie, as opposed to the TV version we all grew up with. It's pretty funny watching those movies now, 'cause I still remember the commercials and commercial breaks that we used to have to rewind over that went with each movie. I'm glad you're sharing the classics with your kids though. It's an important slice of americana.
Mia said…
Jo was actually the first person to point out to me that I had to screen kids shows because some of them really are too scary, Snow White being the one she mentioned. Ii bought a clasic Care Bears movie for Zo that I eventually had to refuse to put in because it is really dark. Amazing how a little time changes our perspective. Oh and go easy on the hair!
Ryan said…
I'm glad you're exposing them to the classics. Now - do they have an opinion yet about who shot first - Han or Greedo?
Deni said…
One year for Christmas Brett bought me the movie Grease. I grew up on that movie too. My kids have not watched it however for the same reasons you mention here. I tend to think we were just innocent children... now what does that say to about our parents...he he he
Jenn said…
It's amazing how some movies are just a part of childhood. I'm actually having to introduce my husband to most of them, since his family somehow missed on the "normal american" culture. It's fun to relive them while watching him take them in for the first time.

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