Did I Really Just Hit "Send?"

We all send email that we regret from time to time. Thankfully, I can't recall any flamers I've sent in the heat of the moment, only later to regret it. However, I did send a mail earlier this week at work that caught me off guard. The subject was about two people working on my team, Lucas and Marcus. The content really didn't matter. What mattered was that I typoed the subject and instead put "Lucas and Mucas"! Boy, I've never seen management reply so quickly. Within about 30 seconds I got IM's from two managers laughing hysterically. It was one of those laughing-milk-out-your-nose moments for us. At least Marcus wasn't on copy, but I'm sure he would have had a good laugh too. One of the managers suggested that if I needed more help on my project, I could see if Phlegm was available too. You can see where this is going...

So here's to keeping an open mind, a sense of humor, and a second set of eyes on your subject lines before you hit send! Beware...

Random Pic

At the Denver Zoo in Sept 2003 with the kids.


Becky said…
lol, nice work Chris.
I love that picture. Misha is so baby faced in it!
Lori said…
Typo-ing sucks in general, but typo-ing in a way that you spell actual words that spellcheck wont catch for you usually leads to funny, memorable emails.
Erica said…
Good one. Aren't we glad that people can have a sense of humor? Man those kiddos sure look little, they grow up fast!!
Jenn said…
That's alright. THe other day I sent a client a meeting invite with my phone number, except I put it as a "888" number instead of "801". The 888 number leads to a "lovely ladies" call center. Ooops.
Ryan said…
I had a similar "near miss" recently. I was in China, tired and jetlagged. I work with a gentleman whose last name is "Wise". In the course of typing an e-mail I typed "Wide" instead. Normally this would not be too bad, but this particular gentleman is approx 350lbs.

I was glad I caught that one.
Mia said…
That is too funny! Thanks goodness Marcus wasn't on the list, although hopefully he would have gotten a laugh out of it too...
Jamie said…
This is a hilarious story Chris, I can see why it was a was a laughing-milk-out-your-nose moment!

Love the pictures of Amy and Misha!

Thanks for sharing!!

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